ICF Munich is a free, non-denominational church with a biblical foundation, which was born out of the dream to build a church that is vibrant, relevant and contemporary. Together we celebrate our faith in God, incorporate it into everyday life and practice friendly relationships.
Welcome to our website! ICF stands for International Christian Fellowship (and more specifically also the following:) We are a Christian church that has its finger at the pulse of our time, is creative, innovative and sometimes a little crazy! With a resounding Yes to life and using all the possibilities that are available to us in this day and age, we live this dream every day. Our goal is to inspire people for a life with Jesus Christ.
What began in 2004 with a dream still inspires us today as much as it did then. In this church, we can meet and get to know God personally, cultivate relationships with people, and use and develop our talents and gifts. We want to share the best news ever, namely that God loves us and desires a personal relationship with us, in a contemporary way. With music that inspires, with sermons that are relevant to everyday life and with the latest multimedia technology – together with everyone involved, this dream becomes reality.
We warmly welcome you to a celebration or to the various locations of our ICF family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail or in person after the Celebration at the Next Step booth in the foyer.
What is especially important to us is that people are not there for the church, but the church, which also means the ICF, exists to serve the people.
You’re most welcome, it’s good to have you with us!